The best healing happens by simply allowing someone to be who they truly are.
The best healing happens by simply allowing someone to be who they truly are.
The best healing happens by simply allowing someone to be who they truly are.

About me.
I have always been passionate about healing, the body and self discovery.

It started as a child visiting my mom working as a nurse in the hospital, learning more about my body through dance classes, playing softball, horseback riding and yoga.
I sustained many injuries over the years, leading to knee and hip surgeries which were humbling and insightful. Through my own healing journey, I became intrigued with all healing modalities and how I could help others. I wanted to learn more.
I chose to learn what helped me tremendously; acupuncture. I received a Master of Science in Acupuncture from the Tri-State College of Acupuncture and am a New York State Licensed Acupuncturist. It's an honor for someone to allow me to treat them with acupuncture. Truly. I am also an OM Yoga Teacher and Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Practitioner. These modalities enrich my treatments in wonderful ways that continue to surprise me.
After working with people for years, I realized there was a deeper and sometimes completely different level of healing that needed to be addressed.
However, I knew I had work to do first. I embarked on a journey of deep self study.
I knew I couldn't help others if I had not done the work myself. I began looking at myself through many honest self reflecting lenses, where I saw myself as I truly am; the good, the bad and ugly. This inner work helped me to overcome many physical, emotional and mental blocks in order to move forward in areas I floundered. I was then given opportunities to guide and mentor others through challenges similar to my own, which revealed to me how we truly can heal when we work with others.
This mentoring experience informed my decision to become a Certified Life Coach. I studied with Health Coach Institute and am grateful to help people clear away obstacles that have kept them from what they truly want. The most important lesson I have learned over all of my years of study is how essential it is to come back to the truth of self, to listen to and trust oneself. We all have the answers to our own questions, however sometimes we just need to be reminded of this.
I have learned to trust that. I would like to help you trust that too.