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I am here as a supportive guide to help you get clear on, and reach your most desired goals.

Kerith Wellness acupuncture _ coaching_F

My coaching guides people back to seeing their true power and how all things are possible. I do this by outlining specific weekly actions for you, coupled with unique, thought provoking tools to reveal where blocks are and how to remove them. I share these simple tools, while wholly supporting you in utilizing them to help you get the change you desire. Small changes create big results and you will see how wonderfully true this is.


How I work: 

Your vision drives the sessions. We work from a mindset of positivity and I am your biggest cheerleader. I will get a clear understanding of your vision, fears, self-talk storyline, super powers (you got em!) and current actions in order to create a program designed for you.  The program will enliven your life by complementing the areas you want to thrive. There will be consistent accountability checks to ensure support and to assess how the tools are advancing your growth. Our actions, or lack thereof define our life. As you accomplish each small action, you will feel a sense of accomplishment that propels you forward each day towards your desired goals.

I believe you can have the life you want, even if you don't yet. I have seen many people transform their lives and I know you can too. You will walk away from fear and back to you. Back to your power. You will stop settling for crumbs.

You are more powerful than you even know.


I am so excited to go on this journey with you!

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